To Busy To Take A Walk In Nature? Try This 1-Minute Tool.

How are you feeling right now? On a scale of one to five stars, how would you rate how you feel right now? If you rated yourself at three stars or less, you are not alone. According to a report by the Conference Board, 49% the US workforce is unhappy. What makes them the most unhappy about their work? According the the report, the three at the top of the employees list are: the company’s promotion policy, the bonus plan, and the performance review process. Add to that a constant workload that forces many employees to cut back on vacation time, and the lack of on-demand education/job training programs that helps the workforce keep pace with a rapidly changing workplace. So what will companies have to do to improve the worklife of their employees especially millennials? Smart, resilitant companies that are able to pivot the fastest will begin to assemble a suite of accelerated learning tools that offer both on-demad actionable advice, and a moment of clarity like a walk in Nature so the user can take a moment to decide on the next steps to take. Here’s What Happens When You Walk in Nature Do you feel more relaxed, upbeat and happy? Yes. Here’s why. When walking on a trail in Nature, your left brain, logical brain is busy concentrating on the trail to keep you upright. It is focused on challenges or obsticles that lie just ahead: a stick on the path that might cause you to trip and fall; a pothole. Your right brain is also fully occupied. It is busy taking in all of the surroundings:...

OWN Your POWER: How Happiness and Truth Are Linked

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the Greek philosopher Aristotle believed. He went so far as to call happiness “the whole aim and end of human existence.” But what if you are so unhappy that you don’t have time to focus on being happy? One fix for this problem is called: TRUTH. Truth cuts a path through a forest of distractions. It is the sum total of our words and actions that define us. It’s the bundle of habits that define our character. Truth, when expressed as kindness, compassion and respect for others, never wanders. It guides our actions, like a lighthouse in a darkened sea. Situational rhetoric is different. When your happiness depends on situational rhetoric, it means that your words must match the different types of people you talk to, or groups you join. With situational rhetoric you must learn to talk differently and act differently each time you talk, depending on the person or group you are with. This takes practice. Remembering what you said, when, and to whom, wastes your time and wears down your happiness. Telling the truth takes practice. When it becomes a habit, it will save more than your time, it could save your life. Mark Twain got it right when he said: “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember...

Free Your Mind of Negativity With THIS Simple Action

Countdown: Day 40 of your personal leadership challenge.  Did you know that the average brain processes from 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day. Of these daily thoughts, 80% are negative; and 95% of all thoughts are repetitive, that is, they are the same thoughts we thought yesterday. Negative thoughts and repetitive thoughts that don’t lead to positive actions can lead to stress, anxiety and depression. Long term stress can break down the body’s immune system. The opposite is also true. When you learn to consciously free your mind of negative thinking and actively pursue ideas that challenge you to think and act more creatively, you are actually strengthening your immune system. Positive thinking uplifts your life and mind. For example: If you find your impatience or anger rising because you suddenly find yourself in a conversation with someone who doesn’t seem to value your time, use this as an opportunity to put the conversation on hold with a simple request: “Can we put this conversation on hold for (a few hours) or (another time) because I need to (be somewhere else) or (attend to another matter). When you learn to consciously set boundaries around your time – at the start of a conversation for example -you are saying to yourself and to them “I value both your time, and mine.” It can be as simple as saying: “I’m happy to talk for a few minutes, and then I’ve got to get back to a project I’m working on….” When you learn to place a HIGH value on your time and mind, others will too. Alexia Parks 10TRAITS offers 1-Minute conflict...

Countdown: How Are You Feeling Right Now?

Day 41: Here is today’s three-part challenge: (1) Write down a single word that describes how you are FEELING when you are performing at your PEAK, that is, at your personal BEST. Do words like excited, passionate,or  joyful come to mind? Think of a word that describes this feeling best for you and write it down. (2) Think of a second word that describes how you FEEL when you are excited, passionate or joyful, … or whatever word you have chosen and write this second word down. Now add the second word to the end of this sentence: Whenever I feel (FIRST WORD), I also feel (SECOND WORD). For example: “Whenever I feel joyful, I also feel confident!” (3) On a scale of 1-5 STARS with five being the best, rate yourself right now. Then, in one sentence, describe what is happening at this very moment to make you feel this way. If you like, you can write down the date and time of day. What time is it right now? Today’s challenge can be easily shared with family and friends. It can also be turned into a daily habit. The only cost, this #BlackFriday is your time. Alexia Parks is CEO of and serves as Chair of 10TRAITS Institute. 10TRAITS offers 1-Minute conflict resolution tools, research, and trait-based training programs for improved decision-making and organizational success. This blog is Day 41 of a series called Countdown: A 50-Day Personal Leadership Challenge....

Countdown: Ignite Your Inner Light and Power

Day 49: Today’s goal is to establish new healthy habits. It’s time for YOU to become the center of your attention. Ready to start? Then stop for a moment and turn your attention inward. Shine a light on that part of yourself that may have been ignored or take for granted, perhaps for years, by you: Your INNER you.  Take a moment to put aside all distractions and focus on yourself. This personal focus “turns on” your inner light. It offers you a moment to discover where your personal power and potential really comes from. It comes from the daily actions you are willing to take to maintain or strengthen your health. If you’ve ever traveled by air, you know that every air traveler is reminded to: “Put your own face mask first before helping others.” This basic safety rule can also be applied to today’s challenge: Stay healthy! As a starting point, discover the power of sending tiny messages of encouragement to yourself. It’s like an “inner email” from you to yourself. Your spoken or whispered messages of thanks, gratitude and love can be as simple as: “Hello my heart. I love you.” “Good morning my miracle brain.” “Good GUT, how are you feeling today?” What you are displaying here is your natural leadership qualities of nurturing and compassion  If you’re interested, here is how I have turned a focus on health and healthy habits into a 1-minute list of daily affirmations. They are now part of a mini-exercise routine – inspired by my partner Dr. Joel – that begins with: I’m constantly growing every day, I’m constantly learning every...