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GET Smarter Faster: 10 Traits That Unite Us

AlexiaParksImage01ALEXIA PARKS  (CV)

What does it take to win the title “Most Powerful Woman in the World?” Ask Alexia Parks Founder of 10TRAITS Leadership. Alexia served as United Nations mentor to the young woman leader who became the #1 Award winner at Goldman Sachs/Fortune Magazine “Most Powerful Women” summit in 2014. The tools and techniques she use with this award winner are part of the accredited training programs offered by 10TRAITS Leadership.

Alexia is also the inventor of the Gender Equality Tool.  It leverages the dynamic synergy of natural gender trait differences between men and women to help improve decision-making by teams and leaders.

A thought leader, Alexia Parks is a recognized global expert on gender equality and leadership. She has appeared as an expert on national, international TV news, in TIME magazine, and formerly wrote for the national desk of The Washington Post.

Alexia Parks was called “One of 50 People Who Matter Most on the Internet” by Newsweek magazine. (1995) for her launch of one of the first electronic democracy systems on the Internet. She has offered both professional and university level accredited training programs for 18+ years.

Her patent-pending Gender Equality Tool™ (GET) offers the fastest way to transfer leadership skills to individuals or an entire workforce. When 50/50 by 2020 is the goal for corporations, 10TRAITS tools create the structural framework for improved corporate profits through gender balance and “trait-balancing.”

WATCH (90-sec) – INVITE ALEXIA to keynote your event.

10TRAITS Rapid Training System uses “brain training” exercises to change the chemistry of leadership from competitive and aggressive to nurturing, collaborative, and empathetic, sustainably. It helps you focus your mind, be more productive, and operate at super high energy and optimum performance levels wherever you are in the world. 10TRAITS Leadership programs are based on 40-years worth of science, including neurobiology, split brain research, evolutionary psychology, and both cultural and physical anthropology.

“I met Alexia virtually when UN appointed her as our Mentor for the projects that they were supporting. Todate, our project received the best reviews for impact and sustainability in the whole of Africa, thanx to Alexia’s diligent virtual mentorship.” (Rehmah Kasule, Award Winner – Goldman Sachs/Fortune Global Women Leaders Award 2014)

Alexia Parks is recognized by those who know of her work as a visionary thought leader and world expert on leadership an empowerment based on the synergy between 10 powerful traits found in the male brain and 10 different, powerful traits found in the female brain. 10TRAITS represents a new school of thought, and a paradigm shift. INVITE ALEXIA to keynote your next conference.

10 TRAITS was endorsed, at its 2014 launch, by  the University of Colorado Deming Center, Naropa University, and Colorado State University. Its global leadership development and training programs are aligned with the Jean Watson Caring Sciences Institute at the University of Colorado’s Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus.

Alexia Parks is also an E-Democracy innovator. As founder of the first electronic democracy website on the Internet, she was called “One of 50 people who matter most on the NET,” by Newsweek Magazine. Wikipedia.


Alexia Parks

Career Highlights:  

Alexia Parks is an American science journalist, award-winning E-Democracy entrepreneur for “Best Interactive Site of the Year” in 1995 from Global Network Navigator, GNN, and Virtual Mentor with the United Nations Habitat YouthFund (1). Formerly, as president of, Parks was called “One of 50 people who matter most on the NET,” (2) by Newsweek (3) for her launch of one of the first e-democracy websites on the Internet.

As an e-democracy pioneer, Parks spoke at the Brookings Institute CyberCivics Conference (4) in 1996 about the virtual voter. The U.S. Congress-Funded National Student/Parent Mock Elections (5) of 1996 directed teachers online to  In 2007, The City of Des Moines, Iowa (6) and Mayor Frank Cownie (7) invited Alexia Parks to design and host a city-wide Energy Futures Conference and competition online on (8). This type of “Big Tent Democracy” of Parks and others was described in an article by the Public News Service. (9)

As founder of the 10 TRAITS Institute, Parks is recognized as an expert on 10 unique traits hardwired in the female and male brain. Her work, based on 40-years worth of research across a dozen fields of science, is called “consistent with Caring Science” by Jean Watson. (10) Parks work is based on 40-years worth of research across a dozen fields of science.

An associate of the Jean Watson Caring Sciences Institute (11) at the University of Colorado Medical Center (12),  Naropa University (13) sponsored the 2014 launch of the 10 TRAITS Institute and Parks’ Plenary Talk titled: Darwin’s Remarkable Women.(14)

As a Virtual Mentor with the United Nations UN-Habitat YouthFund Parks was assigned to work with African woman leader Rehmah Kasule (15) for 18-months on her 200 slum women project (SWEEP). The focus was on micro-entrepreneurship, mentorship, and leadership training. Kasule was the First Place Award Winner (see 9:00 am on schedule), at the Fortune Magazine, Goldman Sachs Most Powerful Women Summit 2014.(16)

In 1994, in co-founding with Star Wars illustrator, Colin Cantwell (20), she began using the name Alexia Parks. Votelink’s July 4, 1995 launch, included the trademarked “Voice of the NET” (21) and the slogan “May the Fourth Be With You!” Votelink won the “Best Interactive Site of the Year” (22) from Global Network Navigator, GNN.




ALEXIA TALKS 10 TRAITS (5-min video clip)

10 Traits of Women Hardwired in the FEMALE Brain (18-min original video)

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