For example: If you find your impatience or anger rising because you suddenly find yourself in a conversation with someone who doesn’t seem to value your time, use this as an opportunity to put the conversation on hold with a simple request:
“Can we put this conversation on hold for (a few hours) or (another time) because I need to (be somewhere else) or (attend to another matter).
When you learn to consciously set boundaries around your time – at the start of a conversation for example -you are saying to yourself and to them “I value both your time, and mine.”
It can be as simple as saying: “I’m happy to talk for a few minutes, and then I’ve got to get back to a project I’m working on….”
When you learn to place a HIGH value on your time and mind, others will too.
Alexia Parks 10TRAITS offers 1-Minute conflict resolution tools, research, and trait-based training programs for improved decision-making and organizational success. This blog is Day 41 of a series called Countdown: A 50-Day Personal Leadership Challenge