by Alexia Parks | Jan 27, 2017 | 10 Traits, Article, Leadership Opportunity, Sustainability, UN Women
Imagine what Gender Diversity would look like in government, politics, business, and the workplace. Imagine leaders in business, economics, politics and the workplace looked like the people they serve. Can gender diversity: 50/50 by 2020 solve a world of problems simply by creating a gender balance in policy and decision-making? Imagine a world in which men and women work together, creating a balance of power sharing to accelerate creativity, innovation and our rapid evolution to a fair, just, and sustainable world that works for everyone; animals, plants, and things that creep, crawl, and slither along, included! For a starting point, start at the LOCAL level. Who has a data base of city councils and their gender balance? School boards and their gender balance? What is the gender balance in every state legislature and Congress. Is it 50/50? If not, do the math! What is the balance point for gender equality in a policy and decision-making committee or board? Think GENDER. Why? Women think differently than men. If the committee, board, council, team, or Congress is out of balance, do the math. How many, of which gender, would it take to equal 50/50. If it is male dominant, then invite MORE women to step into leadership roles, or run for public office. How many, enough to bring it into balance. Do you see yourself in this role? Stepping out of your comfort zone is a first step toward creating the future you want to see in the world. In other words, becoming a leader offers you a “Be the change you want to see in the world” opportunity. It automatically helps you focus your mind...
by Alexia Parks | Oct 6, 2016 | 10 Traits, Article, Health, Leadership Opportunity, UN Women
A person’s character is defined by their habits (or lack of habits). When you structure your day with a habit that includes goal setting, and then set up time to focus on a chosen goal without distraction, you unlock the potential to express yourself fully in the direction you have chosen. When these chosen, daily habits are linked together, you then discover that you can live the life you’ve always DREAMED of, every day! To change your life, chose to change your daily habits so that they keep you focused on the life you want to live. It’s that simple! So here are some insights that you may find helpful on your journey inward. 1. Conscious breathwork is good. Slowing down the breathing brings many body/mind benefits, including increased mindfulness, good digestion, and stress reduction. 2. Lucid dreaming is good. Using this dream-induced deeply relaxed state as a “discovery” space lets ideas and possibilities arise into your neocortex without judgement. It by-passes the “critic” which wants to judge everything as right or wrong, good or bad. What emerges, arises without judgement in that moment. 3. Yoga nidras rest on lucid dreaming and dream analysis. You are invited to “live your dreams.” By contrast, 10TRAITS Leadership development is based on the development of habits that can be informed by a lucid, dream-like state, but not living our dreams. Here’s why: Dreams are actually a kaleidoscope of images, emotions, and experiences that have accumulated over a lifetime. They emerge randomly, sometimes comic like, sometimes fearful, and also emerge more often if we have gone to bed thinking about them (a person, place, experience, etc.). When we focus on analyzing these random connections, we...
by Alexia Parks | Sep 23, 2016 | 10 Traits, Article, Leadership Opportunity, UN Women
As we settle into Autumn, with colorful Fall leaves vying for “BEST of show,” I made a short list of upcoming changes facing us humans, as we begin to make room on Planet Earth for more women on top, robots in the boardroom, and greener leaner communities. One could say, this is a trend watch with a focus sex, money, and what happens when we unleash the untapped power of women. In my talks on 10 traits transforming society and the workplace, I remind audiences that women now represent the largest untapped resource in the world. This represents a talent pool 2X the population of India and China combined! By 2018: Major medical screenings including several types of cancers, by computers, may overtake human analysis in the lab. By 2018: Seeing a 6% gain in NET profit based on 30% women in leadership, 30% women in leadership and management will become the standard. Fast-growth companies seeking higher NET profit will boost that figure to 40-50%. By 2019: The Fossil Fuel Industry will diversify after admitting that their assets in the ground (coal)(oil) will soon = ZERO By 2019: The dematerialization of the modern world will shift to small scale, local and sustainable. By 2020: The corporate world is dematerializing. Your office may be at home or a seat in a collaborative, co-working space. By 2020: The driverless car – in its own designated lane, will share the public streets with bikes and pedestrians. By 2020: Pedestrians and bicyclists clothing or smartphone will include a device to alert driverless cars to their presence. By 2020: Robots will guide humans to their seats at the Tokyo Olympics By 2025: 25% of men will...
by Alexia Parks | Aug 28, 2016 | 10 Traits, Article, Leadership Opportunity, Sustainability, UN Women
Presidential Proclamation — Women’s Equality Day, 2016 WOMEN’S EQUALITY DAY, 2016 – Thanks to the National Women’s History Project and Zonta International for reporting on this new recognition of the importance of reestablishing gender balance at home, at work, in the the workplace, — and the world. “All we are saying is….” restore the balance and dynamic synergy of the male and female, the masculine and feminine in everything we think, say and do. – – – – – – ————————————————————————————————————————– BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Nearly one century ago, with boundless courage and relentless commitment, dedicated women who had marched, advocated, and organized for the right to cast a vote finally saw their efforts rewarded on August 26, 1920, when the 19th Amendment was certified and the right to vote was secured. In the decades that followed, that precious right has bolstered generations of women and empowered them to stand up, speak out, and steer the country they love in a more equal direction. Today, as we celebrate the anniversary of this hard-won achievement and pay tribute to the trailblazers and suffragists who moved us closer to a more just and prosperous future, we resolve to protect this constitutional right and pledge to continue fighting for equality for women and girls. At every level of society, women are leaders at the forefront of progress. Serving as judges and Members of Congress, setting world records in sports, founding groundbreaking companies, and fighting on the front lines of combat, women continue to tear down barriers and shatter glass ceilings — just as they have done...
by Alexia Parks | May 7, 2016 | 10 Traits, Article, Leadership Opportunity, Sustainability, UN Women, United Nations
Our, online, global eadership training program – the ONLY leadership training in the world based on the Female Brain – begins May 16th. Registration for our 2-credit (30/hr) or 2-CEU (20/hr) Spring 2016 online class closes soon. Self-paced, and self-directed, the class includes “virtual mentorship.” It is also open to women and interested men, Ready to upgrade your life to leadership? The next 10TRAITS Leadership class launches June 6th.On July 16th, it’s 10TRAITS – Nursing training for healthcare professionals. Offering 2-credit (university credit); and 2-CEU (20-hours) Certificate of Completion. WEB: –...
by Alexia Parks | Mar 17, 2016 | 10 Traits, Article, Leadership Opportunity, UN Women
How often, when, and WHY should women smile? Here’s one answer. I’ll tell you why it is time to bring the word “SMILE” back to its origins. While a smile can be twisted, faked, turned upside down, and turned around from a complement into an insult; while a smile can make a person feel victimized, or vindicated…, in the end it’s none of the above. When we separate the act of smiling from all of its labels, it is simply a bio-chemical reaction to a good feeling…., or the “learned” ability to create a good feeling in ourselves and others. I feel good. I smile. You see me smiling, and you smile back. With the power of a magnetic force, a smile draws people toward us. Turn a smile upside down and the reverse is true, people move away from us (literally or metaphorically). Before I began writing about it, and talking about it, I discovered its power quite by accident. I was having a “bad hair day.” I had left the house in a hurry to do some errands, and then decided to stop by my favorite cafe for a coffee. Walking inside the cafe, I caught the reflection of myself in the window, and I was horrified. My hair! Look at my hair! I forgot to comb my hair. Now, I’m of the generation that remembers the famous bathing suit ad: “Just wear a smile and a Jansen.” What the ad was reminding anxious young women was this: “Don’t worry about your weight, or your shape. Just wear a smile and a Jansen.” So I auto-smiled as I...