Have you ever noticed that the person who gets other people to follow them, or follow their advice, is the person with the most energy? High energy leadership is the result of one thing: FOCUS. When you focus on a goal, when you say NO to distractions, your energy can then be mobilized to help you achieve your goal.

Here is another leadership tip: STAND UP to speak up. The second reason high energy people get others to follow them is because they are usually STANDING UP when they talk to people. Why stand up? *Sitting is the new SMOKING.* Sitting down for long periods of time is linked to obesity and related health issues. Sitting, like smoking cigarettes, carries health risks.

Sandra Fluke shows what high energy leadership looks like. Sandra is a rising political star. Her high energy campaign for the California State Legislature shows the power of focus. and the family values that women bring to leadership. What matters most to women is also true of most men: health, education, resilient, sustainable economies, and the eradication of poverty.

When we listen to the advice of someone who wants us to follow their advice, we look for someone whose very being resonates with health, vitality, energy and a sense of purpose. They are aligned with their message. They walk their talk.

For leaders who are mired in internal health problems, have low energy, or who use fear to mobilize followers, it takes the skilled messaging of “spin” doctors to win hearts, minds, and followers.

This is the reason why I developed the slogan and hashtag: #votewomenfirst – Take it with you, in your mind, into the voting booth. It takes the spin doctors, lobbyists, and the social conditioning of women to be submissive, out of the voting process.

As a United Nations, UN-Habitat Virtual Mentor, impact entrepreneur and inspirational speaker, Alexia Parks uses communication technology and the New Science of the female brain to inspire and motivate a new generation of leaders. Her Alexia Parks 10 TRAITS Academy is the only science-based leadership training program in the world that is based on the New Science of the female brain. It is designed for individuals who seek to strengthen their capacity to be resilient and self directed; and who desire to express their full potential. She is also author of 13 books including 10 Traits of Women of Power and Courage,,