“Gentlemen don’t read each other’s mail.” Thus declared Secretary of State Henry L. Stimpson in pre-war 1929. He later changed his mind. If war provides a rational for secrets in the world of international politics, what would global governance based on shared economies, values and vision look like? 

Most of us would agree that in today’s complex, interconnected world, it’s time to shift from a world based on overconsumption, competition, and conflict, to one based on cooperation, collaboration, and sustainability.

In this *possible* world – where cooperation is the norm, what role would secrets have, if any? Or should we, collectively, leave this relic from the Age of Wars behind?

Alexia Parks is the Founder of the 10 TRAITS Women’s Leadership Development Academy. She is recognized as a thought leader and world expert on women’s leadership and empowerment, based on 10 powerful leadership traits hardwired into the FEMALE brain.