Leaving a Tip on the Table for Mother Nature

Leaving a Tip on the Table for Mother Nature

#GoodNewsFriday – How would you help “Save the Planet”…? Here is what Johan Eliasch did with $14 million. Whether it’s money, time, or putting a good idea – or a good attitude – into action, each one of us has the opportunity to help make the world a better place.  Photo from Collective...
Are Women Better Decision Makers?

Are Women Better Decision Makers?

The most disruptive idea in America? Under pressure, women, are better decision makers. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and I met in 2012. She attended a small group meeting in Boulder where I was asked to discuss my work. Afterwards, I took this photo of the Senator (see FB). She recently told the NYTimes that if we want to fix the gridlock in Congress, we need more women. Now, neuroscientists have uncovered evidence that underscores what I have been saying: When the pressure is on, women bring unique strengths to decision making. I remind: When the going gets tough, the FEMALE brain turns on. From the New York Times: Are Women Better Decision Makers? http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/19/opinion/sunday/are-women-better-decision-makers.html ALEXIA PARKS is a Virtual Mentor with the United Nations. She is also the CEO of the 10 TRAITS Leadership Training Program for Women. It is the only program in the world based on the New Science of the FEMALE brain. Its Rapid Training System is aligned with how a woman’s brain really works. The 10 TRAITS empowers all women, of all ages, across all countries and cultures. Alexia is also a Virtual Mentor with the United...
10 TRAITS Leadership TIP

10 TRAITS Leadership TIP

10 TRAITS Leadership TIP: “When the going gets tough, the FEMALE brain turns on.” – Alexia Parks – Why? The female brain is *hardwired* by evolutionary biology to manage high levels of complexity. @alexiaparks .


 If you could solve one of the world’s biggest challenges, what would it be, and why? Here’s one young woman’s story. Seven years ago, a photo was posted on a website of a young woman in a bright yellow teeshirt standing with a shovel in her hand. She is standing in a neatly dug hole in a small village in Africa, along with a half dozen young men who are helping her. The hole they have just dug will soon include a plastic pipe to deliver wastewater from a nearby public toilet, a maze of bricks to create anaerobic and aerobic sections, and enough dirt to fill the hole. On top, they’ll plant a banana tree. Now, Bianca Griffith is CEO of AGUAinc an international wastewater utility and water treatment company based in Boulder, Colorado, that is currently building the largest sewage treatment facility in the world, in Africa – in a chemical-free, low-energy, sustainable way – using plants to help decontaminate the water. When finished, their project in the Gambia, will consist of four olympic sized pools of wastewater covered by AGUAinc’s floating green filtration system called ABIS, that offers the look and beauty of park land, instead of an unsightly, smelly dumping site for raw sewage. It uses a clean technology floating green filter system that uses macrofites to turn raw sewage and wastewater into a floating parkland. “The challenge for many developing countries,” says co-founder and COO of AGUA Inc, Pedro Tomas Delgado Ortiz, Unreasonable@sea entrepreneur who first met Griffith while on a visit to Boulder,  “is that unsafe water is the #1 leading cause of disease...
What Happens When You FOCUS on SUCCESS?

What Happens When You FOCUS on SUCCESS?

It  takes time.to be an “overnight success.” Why? Success happens incrementally, over time. Think of the most successful women you know. How did they achieve their success? What obstacles did they encounter? What difficulties did they overcome, and how? Each step you take today is defining who you are, right now. Who do you want to be tomorrow? Are your steps leading you in the right direction, the direction YOU really, deep down, want to take? @alexiaparks ALEXIA PARKS is the CEO of the 10 TRAITS Leadership Training Program for Women. It is the only program in the world based on the New Science of the FEMALE brain. Its Rapid Training System is aligned with how a woman’s brain really works. The 10 TRAITS empowers all women, of all ages, across all countries and cultures. Alexia is also a Virtual Mentor with the United...