What Is Your Biggest Stress This Holiday Season: Finances, Food, or Relationships?

Approaching the holiday season, try to imagine it as an obstacle course — an annual game of life — that offers both challenges and rewards that can bring you both joy, happiness and gratitude or inner anxiety, stress and depression. Your challenge, if you accept it, is to study your calendar of holiday events ahead of time and then train for them, like training for a marathon. Here are three challenges you may face this holiday season, and here’s how to plan for them. A tight budget. A bounty of holiday foods. Relationship challenges. A tight budget. To avoid the endless shopping that comes at this time of year, think instead of the hand-crafted gifts that you can make, a favorite book or music you can give, or up-cycle an item that you never use that you know they would enjoy. A bounty of holiday foods. Anticipate the events you will attend and the traditional holiday foods that will tempt you to overeat or over indulge, along with the offer of too many sweets or alcohol. Then use this “healthy habits” strategy to help you overcome the food challenge: (1) Don’t drink with the meal. A sip of water or wine to help with swallowing food is fine. Just saying “No” to beverages or soup at the start of a meal can help prevent digestive turbulence after the meal is over. Instead, (2) Eat protein first. Start by turning your plate so that the protein in your meal faces you and is eaten first. Then (3) Go for the most fiber rich foods next along with healthy fats such as butter, avocado, high...





“We were trained to believe that there always are winners and losers. We all can be winners.”

 Christiana Figueres, UNFCCC

“I’ve observed that often, in times of crisis, women eventually are called upon to sort out the mess, face the difficult issues and be completely focused on restoring the situation.”  ~ Christine Lagarde, IMF

From zero to 30% “A 30% female share is associated with a 15% increase in profitability for a typical firm.” ~ Marcus Noland, Peterson Institute

UPGRADE Your Decision Making. The enterprise Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) – created to address the issue of improved decision making in FORTUNE 50 companies – has now been UPDATED to incorporate the Alexia Parks 10TRAITS™ Tool. “It leverages the dynamic synergy of natural gender trait differences between men and women to help leaders make better decisions.” ~ Bob Bergman, Fmr. INTEL/MIT

Book Alexia Parks 

 * Virtual Mentor With The United Nations; mentor to the Goldman Sachs/Fortune 2014 Global Woman Leaders Award Winner * Wrote for The Washington Post the national desk  * Called “One of 50 People Who Matter Most on the Internet” by Newsweek Magazine * Author  * Founder, Alexia Parks 10 TRAITS Leadership and KEYNOTE SPEAKER.

10TRAITS Leadership Training START HERE

Founder and CEO of the 10TRAITS Leadership Institute, Alexia Parks has developed a new science-based model of leadership for creating a Trait Balanced Organization™.  She is the inventor of the 10TRAITS tool. It is a digital on-demand tool that can be used to strengthen relationships, resolve conflicts and improve decision-making in 1-Minute. 10TRAITS GET Smarter Together training Learning Series includes experiential 1-Minute exercises.  Our research shows that trait balanced teams contributes to the enhanced quality of decision making and improved overall company performance both in terms of financial gain and better risk management. Ultimately, managers are tested and evaluated in terms of their success in making decisions. 10TRAITS leadership development programs are available online, in person, and accredited.

Alexia Parks 10 TRAITS Transforming Society And The Workplace  (7-min video) – 10TRAITS.org